LIPO MAG production is combining two advanced technologies to increase the absorption and bioavailability of magnesium by the body.
LIPO MAG supplement is bisglycinate magnesium produced using TRAACS technology, a unique patent from Albion International, which specializes in the formation of mineral compounds and amino acids to improve absorption and bioavailability and to prevent the side effects of mineral supplements.
The product also includes liposomal technology using phospholipids.
The phospholipids wrap the magnesium molecule, this liposomal process is containing the mineral, in a round fat molecule (liposome).
As a result of the process, LIPO MAG doesn’t cause gastrointestinal side effects and doesn’t interact with other foods that inhibit magnesium absorption such as dairy products, caffeine, phytic acid, etc.
This product is available in different ML/bottles size, Liquid or Capsules.